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The term phishing e-mail refers to an e-mail that pretends to come from a reputable provider. These fraudulent messages aim to collect secret access data and often look very real. We will show you how to recognise a phishing e-mail that is supposed to be from Kaufland.de and how you should deal with it.
1. How do I recognise a phishing email that claims to be from Kaufland Global Marketplace?
Every phishing e-mail looks different, but there are some characteristics that such fraudulent e-mails have. These include the following conspicuous features:
- Cryptic e-mail address
Look at the actual e-mail address that is hidden behind the sender’s name – because sender information can easily be falsified. Depending on your e-mail provider, you may need to move the cursor over the name of the sender of the dubious e-mail or click on it.
- Errors or poor translations
The quality of phishing e-mails is increasing noticeably; in layout and design they look very similar to Kaufland Global Marketplace company e-mails in order to appear authentic. However, in some cases of fraud, mistakes are made in spelling and punctuation, or the whole text sounds like a bad translation.
- E-mail text in a foreign language
If the subject or content of an e-mail is written in a foreign language, it is a phishing e-mail – e-mails from Kaufland Global Marketplace and newsletters are written in the respective national language of the marketplace and in English and Chinese.
- General, incorrect or missing salutation
You are addressed specifically, for example with regards to a transaction or because of your seller account, but the name in the salutation is wrong, does not exist or is replaced by a general wording? You can also recognise a phishing e-mail by this.
- Supposed urgency
If you are prompted in the subject or body of the e-mail to take immediate action to prevent your seller account from being blocked, it is very likely that it is a phishing attack. Normally your offers will be hidden and you will be informed of this before they are hidden.
Exception: If legally relevant documents need to be stored or updated in the seller account, we would ask you to respond promptly. This also applies in the event of poor performance, for example if there are constant delays in ticket responses.
- Request to open an attachment or enter personal data on a page
Phishing attacks aim to collect secret access data. Malicious software is often used for this purpose, so you should never open attachments or follow a link. In the third chapter, you will learn exactly how to deal with a phishing e-mail in the ideal case and what you should avoid.
Have you received a phishing e-mail from Kaufland Global Marketplace? Please send it to us by uploading the phishing email as a file via the contact form:
- For sellers: https://www.kaufland.de/seller/contact-form/
2. How does a real e-mail from Kaufland Global Marketplace look like?
E-mails that actually come from Kaufland Global Marketplace have the following characteristics:
- Language
Sellers receive emails and newsletters in the respective language of the Kaufland marketplace as well as in English and Chinese, depending on which language has been set in the seller account.
If you as a Kaufland Global Marketplace seller receive a message of dubious origin, you should check the sender’s address and the ending of the e-mail. All sellers are also informed in their seller account as soon as phishing emails with an alleged reference to Kaufland Global Marketplace are in circulation.
- Address
In our newsletters that we send to sellers, you will generally be addressed with your seller shop pseudonym.
- Request for information and calls for action
In our regular Marketplaces Updates newsletters, we inform sellers about the latest features, promotions or changes on the Kaufland marketplaces. We also invite sellers via email to take part in surveys and webinars, or ask them to submit missing documents. In this way, we ensure that no unauthorised access has occurred.
3. Phishing e-mail in my inbox: How do I behave correctly?
In general, you should always be careful if you unexpectedly receive an e-mail from a provider you think you know. First move the mouse pointer over the sender or click on it to view the e-mail address (depending on your e-mail provider).
A cryptic e-mail address is a clear indication of a fraud attempt – you can read about other typical features of a phishing e-mail in the first chapter. How you should best deal with such an e-mail is shown below.
Things to avoid if you receive a phishing e-mail:
In the best case, do not open the phishing e-mail.
If you only notice after opening it that this is a fraud attempt, you should neither click on the links nor open any attachments that were sent with it.
Things you can do when you receive a phishing e-mail:
Delete the e-mail. You can also report the fraud attempt to the consumer advice center to protect other potential recipients of the phishing e-mail.
4. You need further help because of a possible phishing e-mail in the name of Kaufland Global Marketplace?
Are you unsure whether the e-mail in your inbox really comes from Kaufland Global Marketplace or is a phishing e-mail? Contact us! The best way to do this is to use our contact form and upload the phishing email you received as a file.

Source: Kaufland
If there are Kaufland.de phishing e-mails to sellers in circulation, you can also find out about it in your seller account.
5. How do I recognise a phishing website?
Many phishing e-mails forward you via a link to a fraudulent login page where you are asked to enter personal details.
If you are asked to follow such a link in an e-mail from Kaufland Global Marketplace you can use the following points to check whether this is really our website or an attempt at fraud:
- Are you on the right website? The address for the Seller Portal login is: https://sellerportal.kaufland.de/login. This is the only page where you can log in.
- Do you see the lock on the left side in the address line of your browser? Some phishing sites use HTTP, while the login page for Seller Portal uses the secure variant HTTPS.
- The design of the page may also indicate that this is a fraud attempt to obtain personal data. For example, individual graphic elements may be displayed in an unusual position.
- Also look for the Kaufland logo in the top right-hand corner.
- If you are still unsure, we recommend that you visit our login page in your browser by entering https://sellerportal.kaufland.de/login and logging in with your user data. If you now click on the link in the e-mail and the corresponding page opens, you should already be logged in. If this is not the case, please do not register on this page under any circumstances.